Flight of the Night Hawks focuses primarily on the adventures of two young boys, Tad and Zane, and the organization they become involved with, the Conclave of Shadows. The story picks up shortly after the end of Exile's Return (2004), the final book in the preceding Conclave of Shadows series by Feist. The book begins in the town of Star dock, where the two boys are still living at home. Along the journey they are ambushed by bandits and Caleb is gravely wounded. The boys manage to bring Caleb to a friend, and unbeknownst to them, and agent of the Conclave.
Author: Raymond E. Feist
ISBN: 0-00-713376-6
Dimensions: 17.5 X 11 X 3 cm
Weight: 213 grams
Publisher: Voyager
Language: English